Supporting Ethiopian Jewish Communities

With so many Ethiopian Jews unable or still waiting to make Aliyah (immigration to Israel), the Beta Israel communities in Gondar and Addis Ababa are full of members of all ages. In addition to educating the children, these communities need support getting food, having access to clean water wells, taking care of the elderly, and help in making Aliyah.

By partnering with Ethiopian Jewish Aid, you are directly supporting these Beta Israel communities by providing food for the hungry, water for the thirsty, and care for the elderly.

For those preparing to make Aliyah, we want to ensure that they are successful in the establishment of their new lives in Israel. While Israel is home to over 140,000 Jews from Beta Israel, many of these citizens live below the poverty line due to a lack of education.

To learn about some of the stories of those who are in these communities, go to our Stories page.

All contributions go towards supporting Ethiopian Jewish Communities in Ethiopia and Israel. Would you partner with us?
