
Our Vision:

For every member of Beta Israel to have the ability to learn, thrive, and be a flourishing part of society.

With so many of the Beta Israel (Ethiopian Jews) in need of support, education, and recognition, we believe that YOU can take part in being the hope they need to shine. Due to life’s challenges living in Ethiopia, education is a sparse resource for the children of Beta Israel. Similarly, while Ethiopian Jewish communities hold true to their religious roots, they face anti-Semitism from neighboring people groups.

Ethiopian Jews that have immigrated to Israel face multiple layers of adversity. Currently, Ethiopian Jews are looked upon unfavorably. They struggle to find jobs, as the jobs available are far different from their agricultural skillset, being of an agricultural society in Ethiopia. They are turned away from getting the training and education they need to become contributing members to Israeli society.

We want to see this change. We want to help transform the quality of life of the Beta Israel. We want you to join us!